Experience can be your organization’s most effective marketing strategy. Regardless of your location, your audience’s interaction with your offices can make a significant impact on the feelings that develop toward your brand. The senses are powerful and can contribute to positive (or negative) associations. That’s why appealing to the senses and taking into account how your audience may subconsciously perceive their surroundings can make a big difference!
Sensory Considerations:
- Smells and Tastes
- Freshly baked cookies, coffee brewing, candies for snacking, and flowers on the welcome desk can serve to provide a warm and inviting experience. Bonus points if your edible and aesthetic offerings are from local businesses! Chances are your audience loves to support an organization that prioritizes their own community!
- Sights and Sounds
- A friendly smile from the sales professional or volunteers will give the prospect a feeling of being part of a family. This attribute could be what makes visiting your offices a special experience. The office might be filled with beautiful photography that provides snapshots into your brand. A video detailing your mission and values could be playing for your audience to enjoy.
- Touch and Hear
- Consider the auditory atmosphere. Does music suit it or is a more natural environment best? Perhaps a large interactive, touch-screen TV could allow staff or volunteers to play videos that relate to your brand. One wall could be dedicated to your organization’s past or sharing meaningful stories that have enriched and contributed to the history. Photos and short blurbs should be included!
Appealing to the senses and taking into account how your audience may subconsciously perceive their surroundings can make a big difference!
Emotional Considerations
- A Hearty Welcome
- Visitors to your office should feel cared for and prioritized. Their concerns should be dealt with quickly, meetings should begin promptly, and communication should be informative without being overwhelming. When a visitor steps inside, a welcoming atmosphere and comfortable environment will create a positive association in their minds that will last.