There are several color modes that are currently used in printed and digital media. It’s important to use the right color mode for specific applications.
Both PMS and CMYK are used for professional printing, whereas RGB is used for digital applications, like websites and TV. When the printing process allows, always prefer using Pantone (PMS) spot colors. This will keep color as consistent as possible. CMYK can be used as a secondary choice when printing in 4-color process. RGB should be used for electronic media. In addition to color, file names are important.
Always use master art EPS files. These files contain original vector artwork, which can scale to an infinite size and allows for the highest-quality reproduction available. If your software does not support EPS, then you can use high-resolution JPEGs or PNGs. These files should not be scaled over 100%. Low resolutions JPEGs can be used for web or digital media. If in doubt, always use the EPS file.