Following five “M’s” of giving are vital for communication to your stakeholders and prospective donors. Masterpiece Marketing will guide you along the journey to creating an effective and trustworthy marketing communications.
With a sincere heart, a giving invitation to donors should be warm and with open hands. Messages that have a desperate tone, are manipulative, or use guilt-based strategies will not be successful long-term.
Telling stories of how God is using your ministry in the lives of others should be the basis of the approach. Making the donor the “hero” of the real impact will create confidence that their money is being wisely stewarded.
Understanding the donor audience will help you deliver the invitation to give at the right time of the year and at the seasons of the year when you need it the most.
Delivering the giving invitation and the tactics used may differ for each donor. Learning how your unique donors consume information is vital. Delivering your giving invitations via a variety of tactics will provide a more effective outcome.
Celebrating God’s kindness when giving milestones are reached will set a tone of gratitude throughout the organization. Inviting your stakeholders to celebrate together during those milestone moments will cultivate a generous heart.