When it comes to developing a marketing strategy, it’s better to be proactive instead of reactive. Many businesses take stock of their marketing budget and determine what kind of marketing campaign they can afford – this is reactive and may not lead to the highest possible returns on the campaign.
Masterpiece Marketing strives to prioritize a proactive strategy. Rather than taking stock of finances first, it’s better to assess your organization’s goals first and then selecting a marketing tactic that will not only suit your budget but will accomplish those goals. We can help you narrow in on what you hope to accomplish from your campaign. More visibility? Generating leads? Increased brand awareness? Greater revenue? No matter what your goal is, there is a marketing strategy that can be customized to accomplish your hopes without putting your budget into the red.
Here is the best method of approach when planning your strategy. Consider, in this order, these questions and answers to help you determine an effective, affordable marketing campaign:
AUDIENCE: To whom am I communicating?
MESSAGE: What am I telling them?
CALL TO ACTION: What do I want them to do?
TIMING: When do they need to hear this?
MEDIA: What is the best way for them to hear, see, and respond?
BUDGET: How much will this cost?