Masterpiece Marketing believes in a revenue-based strategy for our for-profit and nonprofit clients’ online presence. Imagine you own a car dealership. Would you want to know how many people drive by? Or how many people stop at the lot? How many give their contact information to a salesman?
would you want to know how many of those people buy a car?
The passing drivers represent Impressions or Views. Those who stop in represent Clicks. But the value really begins to appear when the people give their contact information to a salesman! Those are Leads. And finally, those who actually buy a car are the Conversions.
Many companies promote an impressions-based strategy. Although views and impressions are a nice number, the data point is similar to the circulation of a magazine. As an advertiser, this is just a place to begin. Clicks can be deceiving because the action can be an accident, users can all “bounce” and leave, and it doesn’t impact the organization’s bottom line through revenue. The bottom line for fundraising or sales is not affected by web traffic, only by qualified leads that can be converted!
Masterpiece Marketing believes it is critical to establish goals so you can measure success. Our strategy involves using specific calls-to-action that track actual success to answer questions like:
- How long did traffic from this campaign stay on the site?
- What other pages did traffic from this campaign visit?
- Did the traffic from this campaign meet a goal: fill out a form, dial the phone, etc.
- Has this person visited the site previously via another entrance point?
Our main focus should be Conversions, so we implement Conversion Tracking, which means measuring goals to see how many people are taking a meaningful action. For traditional media, we implement a variety of tools for measuring success such as call tracking, custom URLs, QR codes, and more.
The bottom line for fundraising or sales is not affected
by web traffic, only by qualified leads that can be converted!