When Masterpiece Marketing is hired by your organization, we recommend a marketing budget and tactics by focusing on your ROI, your return on investment. This calculator is a tool Masterpiece Marketing uses to be a wise steward of our client’s investment dollars. Once your budget is determined, we can reflect on the expected results.
Paid Impressions
/ Number of Media Encounters
/ Frequency
= Reactive Impressions
x Expected Response Rates
= Leads Generated
x Conversion Rate
= Number of New Clients
Client Funnel | What it Might Look Like
Marketing Delivery Tactic | Client Prospect May Take the Following Steps |
Online Search | Goes to landing page on website |
Poster | Calls office using unique phone number, emails or fills out form on website |
Social Media | Engages with ad, provides email address, reads free download, two days later – sees remarketing ad, clicks to visit website |
Email Campaign | Receives forwarded email from friend and reads interesting article or client story and clicks on links to website |
Public Relations | Reads article, visits website |
Video | Sees video on social media, clicks to website, engages by providing email address for follow-up |
- We envision people seeing, reading, watching and hearing your message across many forms of media but all experiences offering cohesive communication about your organization.
- Flexibility and nimbleness are important as the funnel moves forward. Masterpiece Marketing will view many of the marketing tactics as “tests” to see what is working better. We will be proactive and reactive.