Masterpiece Marketing believes in a revenue-based strategy for your online presence. This means we track and manage conversions or leads, not just impressions, visits, and clicks. A conversion or lead is a person who takes a meaningful action on a site—defined as completing a goal for that site.
Imagine you owned a car dealership. Would you want your monthly report to tell how many people drive by the auto lot? Just like website impressions or views of an ad, that is not a helpful metric. Would you want to know how many people stop at the lot? That’s better, but tracking these types of “clicks” still doesn’t give a very meaningful number.
However, if you’re tracking how many and why those people gave their contact information to a salesman for follow up—now, we’re actually counting leads. And since we’re able to count how many of those people then make the decision to actually purchase a car, now we’re looking at the key number: conversions.